The romantic proposal that led to this beautiful Redland…
Written by Cheryl Landsberry Celebrant / Photos by Romana Saeheng
When overseas travel was a thing… this sweet proposal by a frozen lake in Canada became part of this couple’s wedding vows.

Miranda often shared her memories of Lake Louise with Josh, and he just knew that this was the ideal place to propose to Miranda. Josh was so nervous about losing the ring during the trip to Canada, that he carried the engagement ring with him everywhere he went. On their first trip to Lake Louise, the weather closed in, and Josh’s proposal plans were thwarted. But their next visit to the lake brought perfect conditions, with a clear blue sky and a crisp day. The lake was frozen over, and Josh finally had his opportunity. Miranda was keen to head back inside to the warm fire, but Josh convinced her to stay a little longer, and he dropped to one soggy knee and proposed.
Miranda and Josh have been welcomed into each other’s family, and their wedding day was a celebration not just for the two of them, but for all their family and friends.
Their wedding ceremony and reception were both held at Redland Bay Golf Club.